Pearse Museum, Culture Night, Friday September 17th & Saturday 18th
We invite you to visit our real time experience for families and children, outdoors in the walled garden at the Pearse Museum, St Enda’s Park, Rathfarnham,
Friday 17th, 4pm – 8.30pm and Saturday 18th, 12pm - 5pm
A Museum for Gulliver
Our Story Concludes.....
Tallaght Community Arts presents A Museum for Gulliver – our story concludes.......
Our Majestic Emperor writes…
"It is the fifteenth day since Lemuel Gulliver, for that is the Man Mountain’s name, arrived in Lilliput. News of the his arrival has spread. Huge numbers of people come to look at him. They have all stopped work".
The whole island threatens to grind to a halt….
This is a site-specific participatory experience for families and children at OPW/Pearse Museum, St Enda’s Park Rathfarnham. Inspired by Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels the project creates a fictional Lilliputian museum. Children and young people have worked with artists as co-creators of the fictional museum through visual arts, song, spoken word and story-telling.
What's On

Giant Maps
‘A Museum for Gulliver’ team has worked in four primary schools throughout April and May to deliver workshops that have investigated the meaning of museums and their dedication to preserving memory and objects. They explored how Lilliput might remember the visit of Lemuel Gulliver to their island in bygone days.
In doing so, children from Glenasmole National School, Scoil Maelruain Senior National School, St. Mary's National School and Scoil Naomh Bríd, Knockananna created GIANT MAPS of Lilliput for the walled garden of the museum
Gulliver's Giant Waistcoat
Have you ever imagined sitting in Gulliver’s pocket? Fancy taking a selfie peeping out of his giant 7 metre Waist Coat. Go ahead!
Come visit our Giant Waistcoat displayed for your Delectation and Delight in our Lilliputian museum.

The Giant Spy Glass
Situated amidst the elegance of the museum’s Walled Garden, Gulliver’s Spy-Glass will take you into an imaginative landscape.
This 7 metre long miracle of Ingenuity captures the Imaginative spirit of children’s exploration of our story. View through the magic lenses and let your imagination run riot.
A Historical film
From the Mildendo Historical Re-Enactment Society
This is an account from the archive of the Mildendo Historical Re-Enactment Society. In the early part of our glorious Republic our society established an annual Re-Enactment of the ancient Eggs Debate. Many years ago moving images the Re-Enactment was recorded.
In the intervening years these famous moving images were thought lost. However last year a fragment was found in the archives of our Museum for Gulliver.

A Short Film
Mildendo City Film
In order to show him our island I command that our Royal Balloon is made ready to carry us at his height on a tour of our bounteous island.
We start with a tour of our royal city of Mildendo….
Lilliputian Souvenir Photo Booth
The project has inspired a Lilliputian Photo Booth where visitors to ‘A Museum for Gulliver’ at the Pearse Museum can have their photographs taken in true Lilliputian scale and style.

The Ballad of Gulliver
A new composition with choir and musicians

Joshua Barrett
My name is Josh Barrett and I’m a 20-year-old singer/songwriter from Tallaght, Dublin. I’ve been writing songs since I was 16 years old, when I joined the Subsounds songwriting and performance program. I am currently studying songwriting in Bimm. I am currently working on releasing my own body of original work.
I had the pleasure of working alongside the Kingswood Youth Choir to create this ballad. We worked over four weeks on lyrics for each verse and chorus of this ballad. The members of the choir not holding back with their numerous suggestions of lyrics, which was fantastic. They wrote every line of this song and all I had to do was string it together.
It was amazing to work with such a talented bunch of singer/songwriters as we put together this ballad. From writing this song to recording it, the choir were brilliant and so talented. They definitely all have a future as singer/songwriters. It was a pleasure to work with them!
Music Producer/Composer
Domhnaill Corrigan
Domhnaill Corrigan is a multi-instrumentalist music producer/composer and audio engineer from Lucan, Dublin. He has worked as a producer on many albums released by Sub Sounds (a youth music collective run by Alternative Entertainments) including the album entitled JEMZ, performed and written by four members of the Sub Sounds program. Domhnaill, a multi-instrumentalist, played most of the instruments on that album, including drums, guitars, and keys.
Domhnaill was awarded a distinction in a QQI level 5 Music Performance/Production course. He has worked with Gerry Horan, audio engineer, Contact Studios in Rua Red, Tallaght. As well as recording and producing music, Domhnaill has also been involved in providing audio for various non-musical projects such the animated short film “The Square That Jumps From Its Cube Was In Love” by Majid Adin.
As a composer, Domhnaill has composed music for Emergence, a young choreographers program produced by Noise Moves Dublin. As a sound engineer, Domhnaill has worked on live sound for many open mic concerts held in the Rua Red Café.He has recently worked on live sound for “Cessair”, a sound installation and performance which featured SoloSIRENS (a theatre collective of female actors) produced in partnership with Tallaght Community Arts.
Domhnaill has edited & produced The Ballad of Gulliver with Joshua Barrett and Kingswood Youth Choir for A Museum for Gulliver at OPW/Pearse Museum September 2021.

Kingswood Community & Youth Choir
Kingswood Community and Youth Choir brings music and musical education to children from the age of nine onwards. They concentrate on vocal development and voice coaching in a fun and casual environment. They have a policy of no auditions as every child should have an opportunity to sing.
The Choir performs for numerous charities and groups to support their activities.

Our Featured Artists

Sailí Áine Ní Mhurchú
Sailí Áine Ní Mhurchú is a final year student of the Technological University Dublin Drama Performance degree. A previous member of the Gaiety School of Acting Youth Musical Theatre ensemble. Sailí Áine has much experience with the stage. She has taken part in many of Tallaght Community Arts’ projects such as Act Up ’16,’17 and The Gaza Monologues, as well as many musicals in the CivicTtheatre. She was also a part of the cast of ‘The Suppliant Women’ for the 2017 Dublin Theatre Festival. Sailí Áine recently performed as part of the SoloSIRENS women’s collective in CESSAIR a Tallaght Community Arts performances at Civic Theatre in July 2021.
Reflections on working on Eggs Debate Performance & Film
This project was filled with positive and new experiences for me. This is the first time I have directed a group on such a scale as this.We met with the cast from Kingswood Community Choir 2 weeks before filming began so that everyone got to know each other and were comfortable in each other’s company. We spent a large amount of time getting used to the extravagant and over-the-top way of moving and speaking, which people are not used to doing daily. The cast were very receptive to the playful methods of performing we were doing and brought brilliant ideas to the scene. I collaborated with filmmaker Shane Ryan Croasdell for the first time with this film project. We had digital meetings where we outlined the main imagery and shape of the film and agreed on the style of props and set. We both drafted storyboards and shot lists in preparation for filming. The collaboration followed through to the end, with Shane and I reviewing takes and making impromptu decisions together. The process of filming was very enjoyable and full of energy. We all were excited to see the costumes and set out together, and to utilise the detailed props during the scene. We filmed over three days, and the cast kept their enthusiasm and positive energy throughout it all.
Reflections on working on a Ballad for Gulliver with Kingswood Youth Choir
Meeting and working with these talented children was a fantastic experience. Facilitating workshops where we learned and explored the story of Gulliver in Lilliput brought us to a wonderful atmosphere of imagination and effortless song-writing inspiration. Being able to witness what goes into writing a ballad was inspiring and interesting. We began the process of lyric writing by familiarising ourselves with the rich imagery from the story of Gulliver. We read passages and built tableaus of the scenes, giving us a physical connection to the piece. After everyone was comfortable with the important beats of the story, we began connecting it to the structure of a ballad. The group decided it would be interesting to write the ballad from the perspective of Gulliver himself; this decision allowed for powerful emotional language to be used. We shifted perspective during the later verse to the people of Lilliput so that there would be a contrast in language and feeling in the song. Josh is a very talented songwriter and guided the group’s ideas and lyrics into one cohesive piece smoothly.
Ruby Collin
Ruby is in her final year of TU Dublin's BA in Drama Performance. She has previously been a member of Complex Youth Theatre and The Gaiety School of Acting Young Performers Company.
Ruby worked backstage several times in Ireland and England with Illustrated Productions and Moving Stories respectively. This is her first experience of working with Tallaght Community Arts. Ruby has worked on props for A Museum for Gulliver. She has made the props and posters for the Egg Debate short film, huge buttons for Gulliver's Giant (7meter) Waistcoat Jacket and 200 day-glo bunting!

Shane Ryan Croasdell
Shane is a twenty year old freelance videographer as well as a founder of Matchbox Productions, a Tallaght based film production company aiming to shine a light on Tallaght and all the characters found within. Since its establishment in 2020 it has amassed great success in the Irish arts scene having already been the recipients of grants and awards from the South Dublin County Council, Creative Ireland, The Arts Council of Ireland and The National Youth Council of Ireland. Shane has worked on a number of Tallaght Community Arts projects as a videographer and performer since 2018. He has recently worked as videographer with their Street Arts Academy Who Am I project.
Working on A Museum for Gulliver to produce the Eggs Debate video has been such an honour. The project began with the director Sailí Áine and I holding multiple online meetings. Here we spoke on everything from costumes to props and devised a plan on how to create a piece befitting of the museum. Once our plan was made, Sailí Áine got to work with the 6 performers from Kingswood Community Choir while I studied historical film in order to truly capture the look we sought. Once I arrived on the set I was in awe, I had never worked with our prop master before, but Ruby Collin went above and beyond to locate or create any prop we asked for, no matter how ridiculous.
The shoot itself was wonderful. All our performers treated us with such warmth and kindness, and an unfound eagerness to experiment and try new things. Over the weeks of planning and entire shoot, everyone brought their game, working so hard to make something we can all be proud of. It was an honour to work with them all, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.
Paper Drama
Inspired by the Kamishibai - Paper Drama each visual collage captures the essence of Gulliver’s famous arrival on the island of Lilliput.

Paper Drama Artists
Adamstown Summer Camp
Liam Byrne, Seán Byrne, Benjamin Clarke, Emily Clarke, Darragh Cleary, Charlie Dobbin, Sam Dobbin, Anusri Erukattil, Tanika Erukattil, Michelle Feofanova, Leah Fleming, Emilija Grigaleviciute, Eva Grigaleviciute, Bianca Guzun Gabriel Gyamfi Poku, Avanthika Hemanth, Eric Ikhide, Amy McNally, Hana McNally, David Mereacre, Michelle Ogunniyi, Aseel Omer, Omer Omer, Noor Omer, Serita Owusua Poku, Aarav Parida, Advaita Parida, , Avani Patel, Eve Phillips, Mya Phillips, Mahitha Sarikumar, Janisha Singhvi, Danny Smyth, Sophie Smyth, Avyaan Somani, Inaya Tanaz, Dubby Uzoukwu, Cassie White, Kyra White, Troy White
‘A Museum for Gulliver’ - Participating Schools and Students

Glenasmole National School
Participating Students: Catherine Alexander, Amy Byrne, Christopher Collins, Libby Costello, Anthony Cross, Liam Curran, Abby Devlin, Jack Devlin, Anna Dowdall, Liam Dowdall, Enzo Fusciardi, Conor Gannon, Holly Johnson, James Kelly, Megan Mahon, Harry McGrath, Seámus McGrath, Rebecca McNally, Orlagh Moore, Ronan Moore, Tomás Moore, Matthew Nulty, Indy Turner, Ultan Waldron.
Teacher: Ms Cole

St. Mary's National School, Tallaght
Participating Students: Abbie Byrne, Matteo Cannito, Emma Carew, Cian Clark Labrador, Dean Clarke, Kuba Dziekonski, , Abbie Farrell Dunne, Alan Grzymkowski, Cian Hilliard, Ivan Jegorous, Austin Jiji Mathew, Ophelia John Clement, Alexandra Kearns, Ben Keith, Marika Jachimowicz, Piotr Kulesza, Vera Makarova, Alex Martin, Alfie McAuley, David Murphy, Godswill Ekwuojo Ojonugwa, Bianca Popke, Adam Watson.
Teacher: Ms. Mc Morrow, Mr. O’Brien, Ms. Keegan, Ms. O' Duffy

Scoil Naomh Bríd, Knockananna
Participating Students: Jaeden Heffernan Curran, Peter John Dunne, Naoise Foley, Mary Anne Hughes, Kailyn Keogh, Kate Kehoe, Olivia Shore, Emily Walsh, Últan Coffey, Leah Kinsella, Eve Mc Loughlin, Bobby Murphy, Faye Murphy, Jake O’ Keeffe, Sarah Ryan, Stanislaw (Stas) Starczyk
Teacher: Ms. Adamson

Scoil Maelruain Senior National School
Participating Students: Hana Brady, Ashleigh Byrne, Luke Cortobelli, Caden Delves, Werya Ghanbari, Luke Jennings, Alicia Kellett, Colm Kershaw, Tyler Lambe, Amy Layton, Ryan Lovett, Sophie Mann, Mathew McCormack, Marija Mickevicius, Cian O’Sullivan, Michelle Popova, Nathan Rusek, Emily Swan, Mark Sweeney, Hanna Zaremba
Teachers: Ms Kennedy, Ms Gibson and Ms D O’Reilly
Filling A Museum for Gulliver

A Museum for Gulliver - our story concludes
Production Team
Pearse Museum Site Team:
Ruby Collin, Conor Devlin Sinnott, Sarah Devlin Sinnott, Cathal Dolan, Shane Ryan Croasdell & Sailí Áine Ní Mhurchú
Mogbeke Akinyemi, Film Text Readers
Alex Boateng
& Ruby Collin
Alex Boateng Workshop Assistants
Conor Sinnott
Cian Laffey Pearse Site Stage Manager
Ruby Collin Props Maker
Joshua Barrett Composer/Musician/ Lyrics – The Ballad of Gulliver
Pauline Dalton Song Director & Ballad Lyrics - The Ballad of Gulliver
Domhnaill Corrigan Music Edit/Producer - The Ballad of Gulliver
Shane Ryan Croasdell Filmmaker – Mildendo Historical Re-enactment
Sailí Áine Ní Mhurchú Director – Mildendo Historical Re-enactment & Ballad Lyrics
Terence Erraught Digital Designer of Telescope Animation
Andrew Siddall Technical Production & Designer/ Maker -Telescope
Martin Dunne Assistant Maker – Telescope
Tadashi Kato Designer/Maker of Waistcoat
Jonathan Stokes Photographic Documentation
Annette Barnaville Filmmaker-FINK
Dave Barnaville Digital Design-FINK
Jennifer Webster Project Producer
Tony Fegan Project Director
For Tallaght Community Arts:
Ruth Clancy Administrator
Sharon Doyle Outreach Coordinator
Cathal Regan Admin Assistant
With thanks to staff at OPW/Pearse Museum and Magnum Events
In Association With
A Tallaght Community Arts production in collaboration with Alt Ents, SubSounds and Music Generation South Dublin kindly supported by Creative Ireland South Dublin, OPW/Pearse Museum, South Dublin County Arts Office and Arts Council of Ireland.