The Governance Code of Practice
Tallaght Community Arts signed up to the Governance Code: Principles of Good Governance in February 2015. The Governance Code is a Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland. Governance refers to how an organisation is run, directed and controlled. Good governance means an organisation will design and put in place policies and procedures that will make sure the organisation runs effectively.
The Governance Code is based on five main principles each with three sub-principles. For each principle there are recommended guidelines and actions on how to put that principle in place for your organisation. The Code of Governance was published in March 2012 on Further information is available by contacting
Tallaght Community Arts signed up to the Governance Code: Principles of Good Governance in February 2015 with a signed statement here:

Standards of Fundraising Practice
We need statement /para up front and then a click through
Proud to be funded by the Arts Council of Ireland and South Dublin County Council